Understand the healing power of the Law of Correspondence


As Above so Below – a healing principle

The Law of Correspondence is one of the Seven Hermetic Principles as described in the writings of The Kybalion. It sets out a spiritual truth that is often summarised as ‘As above, so below; as below, so above.’ This is a paraphrase of the second verse of the Emerald Tablet - a Hermetic text first attested in an Arabic source dating to the eighth or ninth century.

The principle lays out the correspondence between the laws of different planes of existence from the material through to the spiritual, and states that those principles that govern the universe also govern each of us as individual beings. More simply put, there is a relationship between the macrocosm and the microcosm, with the individual reflecting the patterns and principles of the universe. So, each physical form is created from the same energy as the universe, and forever interconnected.

This perspective on the nature of reality brings a fresh understanding to each person’s personal growth and development, and to the exploration of healing.

How does the law of correspondence apply to healing?

There are many fields in which this principle can be seen to support in healing. For example, astrologers work with the correspondence of the movement of the planets to individual health and collective affairs.

When we understand ourselves to be a part of the universe by the nature of our reflection of universal laws, we gain a deeper understanding of the principles that govern our health and wellbeing. We also understand that as we work on healing ourselves, we affect the world around us. We can clearly see a perspective on our inherent interconnectedness – and that in itself is healing. Given the isolation and separation so often at the root of ill health and disease, when we can align ourselves with the flow and pattern of the universe, we can feel a new sense of belonging and support.

The solar system reflected in our atoms

Just as the solar system consists of a central star - the sun and an array of orbiting planets,  we can see the same structure at an atomic level. In a solar system, the sun provides a central focus of gravity for other celestial bodies, while in an atom the same function is provided by the nucleus.  Electrons orbit the nucleus, held by the electromagnetic force field of the nucleus. In the same way, planets orbit the energetic centre of the sun.

So, as physical beings, our very structure reflects the form and structure of the universe itself.

The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio is a mathematical proportion that is found in very many physical structures, both natural and man-made, from the spiralling patterns of seashells to the branching of trees, the shape of our galaxy and even the proportions of our faces and bodies.

When we understand that the same patterns and principles that exist in the wider universe also exist within each of us and in the smallest forms of nature, we can align ourselves with the balance and harmony of the universe.

Different vibrations, same essence

Inherent in the Law of Correspondence is the understanding that there are several ‘planes’ of reality, each one with its own distinct rate of vibration. The slowest rate of vibration is our physical world of material forms. The fastest rate is the spiritual plane.

Yet each plane is not separate, they penetrate each other, and the consequence is that any situation that occurs in one plane of level has a correlation in the other planes.

From a healing perspective, this means that if we want to fully understand a health situation and bring relief at the root of it, we will want to explore the mental and spiritual planes for what might be influencing disease or ill health. The energy flows from the higher vibrations or frequencies to the lower planes, so while addressing any physical causes of ill health or life challenge, we also need to look ‘upstream’.

The Law of Correspondence is an empowering principle

If you are struggling with challenges and negative experiences, you can apply your understanding of the Law of Correspondence to make sustainable changes. When you recognise that the outer, material world is reflecting your inner world as it appears in the spiritual or mental plane, you can examine the changes that need to be made in your subconscious.

Your physical reality is a mirror image of your identity at a plane of higher vibration, so when a negative emotion is triggered, you are being shown a signpost to the deeper changes you need to make.

When you explore how to change the negative inner thoughts and feelings into something more supportive and aligned, you bring your whole being into harmony with your inner truth.

Being responsible for our own growth

When you feel stuck with the same cycle of challenges, it’s often a sign that your spiritual self is struggling to realise itself in your physical, material reality. When the flow of your emotions, thoughts and actions does not reflect the truth of your spiritual self, with its higher wisdom, the lower vibrational energy of the material plane is thrown back to you to revisit, until you find a greater congruence and harmony with the frequency of your spiritual self.  This can manifest in poor health, or a feeling of hitting the same blocks in your life over and over again.

So, understanding the Law of Correspondence helps to acknowledge and examine an issue until it is healed. This is when real and lasting change can occur. Realising that you have the potential for co-creating your own physical reality means you can take responsibility for your own growth and evolution, and gain insights into what you need to do for your own holistic healing.

Jacinta Hoogenboom